How Many Ways Can You Move?

Daily Movement Prompts, Tuesday, March 7, 2017 edition:

How Many Ways Can You Move?

Move thoughtfully. Move without thought. Move joyfully. Move in grief. Move to relieve boredom. Move even to spite boredom. Move minimally. Move in your personal maximum. Move tall. Move low. Move wide. Move in tiny, subtle ways. Move fingers. Move toes. Move quickly. Move languidly. Move with lifted posture. Move in curves and bent fashions. Move on land. Move in the water. Move up the side of a cliff. Move to the music. Move in contrast to the music. Move with intention. Move on auto pilot. Move more than yesterday. Move less today. Move to cope with pain. Move to spite your pain. Move alone. Move in small groups. Move with the crowds.

Move because YOU choose to.