Daily Movement Prompts, Sunday, July 9, 2017 edition: Listen
I joke when I start my dance classes that, “I am not a medically trained professional. Please do not make me stop this class to take you to a medically trained professional.” And then we start every warm-up with a free-form, you choose, stretch however your body requires. We need a moment to listen to our bodies, intentionally. Sometimes we run around so busy that only pain will make us stop and listen. And often by the time we pay attention, the pain has possibly blossomed into something quite significant and even life-altering.
Do you take the time to listen to your body, really LISTEN to your body, each day? Is this something you could benefit from by choosing to do it more often? When’s the last time you stretched in all directions, paying attention to what your body said as you did so?
Do you listen to your body if you’re remaining immobile for too long? Or do you ignore moving regularly until standing up hurts and is filled with crackles and pops? Do you listen to your need for more sleep? Do you listen to how your body would like to rest and recover from injury or illness?
How did you move today? How did you *listen* to your body today? How can you listen more tomorrow?