Daily Movement Prompts, Wednesday, January 25, 2018 edition: Fresh Starts
It’s never too late to decide, “you know what? Today’s my day.” Today’s the day I’ll call someone I love. Today’s the day I’ll empty the trash can. Today’s the day I’ll open that box that’s been gathering dust. Today’s the day I’ll try a new dance move. Today’s the day I’ll study a few words in a new language. Today’s the day I’ll look for a class or a mentor or a book or…
Any fresh start that you need. Any fresh start that you’ve been nervous about. Any fresh start that could bring a smile to your face.
Why? Because you *do* have today. And no one ever has a promise for tomorrow. So I like to plan to live forever and seize today as if it’s the only day I have left. Because each day matters. You matter.
By the way? In case you were wondering, I’ve missed writing to you all. Each day matters. #MovementPrompts